There is still much antagonism between trades unions and the oil companies 工会和石油公司之间仍然存在着相当大的敌意。
The oil companies were accused of contriving a shortage of gasoline to justify price increases. 石油公司被控故意制造石油短缺以名正言顺地提高油价。
The oil companies have lost their power over oil price and oil production. 石油公司已经失去了对油价和石油产量的控制。
Contrary to popular belief, the oil companies can't control the price of crude 与人们普遍的看法相反,石油公司并不能控制原油价格。
In fact, the oil companies are already prospecting not far from here. 事实上,石油公司已经在离此不远处进行勘探。
The politicians in Washington can get more votes by holding televised hearings where they vilify the oil companies. 华盛顿的政客们却要举行电视听证会,在会上中伤石油公司,以获得更多的选票。
Oil companies say they will absorb these price rises, and not pass them on customers. 石油公司说他们会承担价格的上涨,不会把费用转移到顾客身上。
Most oil companies have evacuated non-essential personnel and have shut down some of their operations. 利比亚境内的大多数石油公司都疏散了非必要的人员,并且关闭了一些设施。
Several international oil companies have backtracked on plans to invest in Chinese refineries. 几家国际石油公司打消了原本想要投资中国炼油厂的计划。
Oil companies Sinopec and PetroChina have vowed to meet centrally-set targets for shale gas production despite disappointing initial results. 尽管初步结果令人失望,但石油企业中石化(Sinopec)和中石油(PetroChina)已誓言实现中央设定的页岩气生产目标。
Financial regulators typically have oversight of traders and oil companies in this area. 金融监管者一般在该领域对交易员和石油公司具有监督权。
But analysts also suggest a potential role for state-backed oil companies such as China's PetroChina or Kuwait Oil. 分析家认为,有国家支持的石油公司,比如中国的中石油或者科威特石油公司也都是潜在的买家。
Until now it has focused on mining and oil companies 'payments to governments, including royalties and taxes. 到目前为止,它一直关注的是矿业和石油公司向政府支付的款项,包括开采许可费和税收。
American oil companies are helping you explore China's offshore oil reserves. 美国的几家石油公司正在帮助你们勘探中国近海的石油资源。
Rising energy prices also lifted shares in Hong Kong-listed mainland oil companies. 能源价格不断上涨也提振了在港上市的中国内地石油企业的股价。
Although big oil companies have been making record profits, they have also had high levels of capital expenditure. 虽然大型石油公司的利润创下历史纪录,但是它们的资本支出水平也很高。
Chinese and other oil companies have agreed to pay part of the oil transit fees. 中国和其它国家的石油企业已同意支付一部分石油运输费。
Several major oil companies have expressed interest in the system. 一些主要石油公司对这个系统表达了极大的兴趣。
You, like the other oil companies, have experienced a sharp fall in profits. 贵公司和其它石油企业一样经历了利润的大幅下滑。
Chinese oil companies have subsequently been cautious about investment in US resources. 自那以后,中国的石油公司对投资美国资源一直持谨慎态度。
Shell has established partnerships with other national oil companies, including China National Petroleum Corporation. 壳牌也与其它一些国家的石油公司建立了合作关系,包括中国石油天然气集团公司(ChinaNationalPetroleumCorporation)。
Chinese oil companies are also investing heavily in Iraq and Iran. 此外,中国石油公司还在伊拉克和伊朗投入了大量资金。
This decision is likely to be challenged by the oil companies. 这一决定很可能遭到石油公司的质疑。
Chinese oil companies and a lot of other oil companies in Sudan have made the money. 是中国油企,和其他许多在苏丹的油企赚到了钱。
Mining and oil companies have invested in Africa, but have too often also excelled at exploiting Africa. 采矿和石油企业在非洲进行投资,但它们往往更擅长于剥削非洲。
Most overseas investments by Chinese oil companies so far have been minority stakes in projects that were seeking funding. 到目前为止,中国石油企业的绝大多数海外投资都是对寻求融资的项目进行的少数股权投资。
Other Asian and European oil companies and trading houses also sell petrol to Tehran. 其它亚洲和欧洲石油公司及贸易公司也向伊朗销售汽油。
Oil companies have devastated the breeding-grounds of the gray seal. 石油公司破坏了灰海豹的繁殖地。
The study finds that national oil companies gained an average 66 per cent in market value in 2009. 研究发现,2009年国家石油公司的市值平均增长了66%。
We can go back to the failed energy policies that profited the oil companies but weakened our country. 我们可以回到过去使用那些养肥了石油公司却削弱了我们国家的失败能源政策。